Our precious Claire Lucille is 3 months old! She is more alert these days and so enjoys it when people are talking to her and holding her. Oh, it's such fun!
Her eyes still look gray to me, her hair is lighting up, but still dark, and she looks so much like Kate! She's wearing mostly 3-6 months clothing now and size 2 diapers.
She still wakes about 2 times a night to eat and usually will go back to sleep afterwards. Her morning swing nap is usually her longest stretch of sleep. All of this varies quite a bit so we don't have much of a predictable routine yet, but that's okay because I'm not very good at keeping up predictable routines anyways!
She loves to smile! She's mostly a pretty happy baby but the evening times can bring their woes. She also has been struggling with sensitivities through my milk so right now I've cut out dairy and soy. We are still waiting to see if that alone will do the trick. Hopefully at 4 months we might have some more answers! In general she seems to be doing better but occasionally there are repeating signs. She also been fighting a very long cold with her sister but hopefully the congestion will pass soon.
Claire went to church for the first time this month! She does pretty good! It's fun to be at worship service as a family again!
Claire also had her first Halloween! What a cutie!
She also got to meet her great grandparents! We choose to continue on the family middle name of Lucille with Claire after her great grandma and great great grandma so that makes this 4 generation photo extra special to me!
She loves to kick and talk and make little bubbles! She enjoy looking at the pictures in books and following the lights from screens. Her favorite to look at though is people! She is usually her happiest right after eating!
Her big sister loves her so so much. Even though it's hard to share the attention of mommy and daddy, it's still pretty fun to have a little sister. :)
It's not easy, and it's a lot different for me as well to share my attention. At the end of the day though, no matter how hard it was, I still love my girls so much.
I'm so thankful to be their momma!