Saturday, December 2, 2017

November Days

November is such a fun month. We spent November talking about the changing leaves (which were absolutely gorgeous this year) scarecrows and harvest time, and a very basic version of the Thanksgiving story. We also seasoned our days with songs and conversation about what we are thankful for. Occasionally we had fun activities on these subjects but we mostly just learn by reading or singing, she's only three after all. :) We sang "He Has Made Me Glad" almost every day this month and last Sunday we sang it in church and Kate was super excited she knew what we were singing and it was so sweet to hear her little voice singing along with an auditorium full! 

We spent time outside, though we had some pretty windy days plus colds that kept us inside. We also took adventures to the library and Cowboy Museum. I wish we went to both of those places more often but I'll use the baby as my excuse! 

Kate's really gotten interested in dress up and it's encouraged her to get better at putting on and taking off her clothes, which is great! It's pretty fun to see her enjoy something I enjoyed quite a bit as a young girl! 

Thanksgiving brought an opportunity to learn more about foods and help out in the kitchen. She is really getting better about following directions and she really pays attention to what we are doing. A few days ago we were making muffins and without any suggestion from me she was pointing out what ingredients were wet and which ones were dry. She even made a well in the dry ingredients for us to add in the wet ones. I was impressed! It's fun to see her learning. It takes extra work and patience to let a little one help in the kitchen but I'm always glad when I do! 

I never got a picture of all of our November crafts before I took them down but you can see them here in our Thanksgiving picture! We didn't do much, a turkey with her name on the feathers, a shape scarecrow, and a watercolored picture of the mayflower and pilgrims. She also made name cards for each person at the table and has been learning more about how to set the table. I'm pleased to say that I now trust her with our nice plates, and she feels special getting to use them! 

Everything is not "Mary Poppins" style all of the time. I'd say what I share in these posts is about 10% of life! There is the normal whining and defiance that comes with this age, and times when the TV is on too much, but life would be pretty dreary if that's what I focused on.  When we decided not to enroll Kate in Mother's Day Out again, I was a little remorseful thinking of the fun she would miss, but now I don't regret it at all! We've had so much fun this year and I look forward to more years of discovering at home together! :) 

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