Sunday, September 17, 2017

Kate Turns 3!

Kate has turned three so I suppose that means we survived the "terrible twos". Call this year what you want, parts of it are really hard, and of course other parts bring great delight. As I've looked over pictures and videos I'm amazed at how much she has grown- and how much Blake and I have grown as parents. A lot can happen in a year!

When Kate turned two she was still sleeping in her crib while wearing cozy footie pajamas. Now she sleeps in her big girl bed and wears regular kid jammers!! She moves around faster and more confidently and speaks in full sentences. Her creativity is blooming and you can watch it develop as she plays with her diaper bag and dolls or when she's coming up with a new song. She sits for longer stories and loves books. She prefers to work on more challenging 24 piece puzzles. She enjoys building tall towers and driving toy cars around.

Kate is a great helper! She can help unload the dishwasher and move clothes to the dryer. She's learning how to help fold small towels too. She understands how and when to take a dish to the sink and can wash her hands on her own. While she still really prefers us to do things for her, she is learning how to do more and more for herself.

She can identify all of her letters, upper case and lower case and can tell you something that begins with each letter. She can recognize numbers up to 20 and knows that if you have 3 of something you need 2 more to make 5. She knows her colors and can sort. She remembers so much! She is definitely learning so much as she plays and reads.

Her favorite cartoons right now are Curious George and Daniel Tiger. She also enjoys watching movies so we like to have family movie nights now and then where we pick up a pizza and eat it picnic style in the living room.

She loves going to the Cowboy Museum, the park, and the library. She also loves going to Bible class.

Of course, the most exciting part of this year has been watching her become a big sister. We were reading the story of baby Moses and for the first time I realized what a dedicated big sister Moses had. Mariam watched over Moses as he floated down the Nile and when he was discovered by the princess, Mariam spoke up and suggested her mother nurse him. I'm sure that walking through the reeds down the river was not very fun, yet she did it. I also believe it probably took great courage to speak up to Pharaho's wife. She wanted to make sure her brother stayed safe so she did what she needed to do. Reading this story reminded me of the duty I felt to my own brother and the duty we have to our brothers and sisters in Christ. As I watch Kate at her young age take concern over the needs of her little sister my heart is touched. This natural inclination to care for younger siblings is such a loving design by our creator. My heart just explodes at the sight of them together... in the sweet moments anyways!

There have been challenges like failed potty training attempts, picky eating, and strong wills, but you know what? I really don't think that's the part I'm going to remember 20 years from now. I hope I'll remember her sweet little hand holding mine when we walk down the hallway at church or the way she snuggled up on the couch with me to watch Curious George or her sweet little voice singing a song. Those are the moments I hold dear.

What a year it's been! Oh, what an adventure this next year will be!

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