Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Life with Claire at 1 Month

Has it really been only a month? So much has happened in these last few weeks but what joy our little Claire Lucille has brought us thus far! I enjoyed blogging each month about my journey into motherhood and all of the first year milestones with Kate and so I'm hoping to do that again with Claire!

Our girl has been thriving as she quickly shot past her birth weight and has continued to grow into the most cuddly little baby. Oh, the newborn snuggles. You'll have to forgive me if I'm not sharing much of them, for I remember how quickly they are gone.

Mostly, Claire is a content little one who is happy to nurse, sleep, and repeat 3 hours later. She is starting to stay awake for longer periods, thankfully during the day time. She is starting to look around and notice toys and people in front of her. We do a little bit of tummy time, but I haven't been very consistent. If she does happen to be awake during the night, she is usually content in her rock and play. Hoping to soon have some longer stretches at night!

She nurses for long lengths, which is different from my experience with Kate. Because I really enjoy my personal space it sometimes feels quite draining, but I'm trying to embrace it. A couple of days ago we introduced her to a bottle and she took to it right away. I have quite a stock pile of pumped milk already and so I imagine she'll be having more bottles in a few weeks as we start to go out and about more often.

She is now taking a bath about every other day with her big sister in the tub. Claire seems to be enjoying bath time more and more. Kate enjoys picking out her pajamas and clothes most days. It's so fun to put her in the sweet little outfits we once put Kate in! Claire's skin is starting to look less red and I do believe that her dark hair is starting to lighten just a tad. Right now she has baby acne on her face and chest and some cradle cap on her forehead and around her nose. There isn't much we can do about this but she is still so beautiful! It would appear that she is built like Kate in that she has a long torso and short legs. Right now her hands and feet are long and slender with long and slender fingers and toes, very unlike her father and me! She has surprised us with her little outie belly button as well! She's almost outgrown her newborn diapers, and fits comfortably in clothing that is for 0-3 months.

Something I'm very grateful for is the instant bond I felt with Claire. I know that for many mothers this connection can take time. As I've written before, I struggled with my labor and delivery experience. I know it was fast so it might have sounded easy, but emotionally and physically I had a very hard time processing it. Somehow holding my little girl just took me away from it all. Through all of the stress and emotions of the "trauma" I was feeling, in addition to the changes in our family dynamics, it was in my quiet moments with just my little babe, that I felt centered and at peace. I was reminded that God had his arms wrapped around me very much like mine embraced my daughter. He was carrying me and sustaining me. What a moment for me when I realized that our little Claire Lucille, our "bringer of light", was already being used by God to shine the light of His presence!

This sweet girl is such a gift to our family! We love her so!

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