Tuesday, August 12, 2014

update on the pregnant life... 31 weeks

It is another night of insomnia for this pregnant gal of 31 weeks! It's funny because in the afternoon I'll use every ounce of control in me to resist taking a nap to help prevent this from happening. Hmm?

I suppose that tonight my brain is hyped up thinking about both Kate and the round ligament pain that WILL NOT GO AWAY!! It gives me a great excuse to sit down and give an update though!

My appointment with my High Risk doctor (I really am not sure what to call him) went well on Friday. She's breathing really good and all of her organs look great. They tell me she has grown quite a bit and though she is on the upper side of a normal weight, she's still within the healthy/ normal range. Here are a couple of the 4d ultra sound picture we were able to get!

They are still a bit foggy and hard to see but we had to work very patiently to get them because Kate was keeping her little hands in front of her face. I think I can see Blake in her though! I also found out that because of my GD they will not allow me to go past 39 weeks... so we now officially know she will come before October 13th. Obviously there isn't much we can really know until it's gets closer so I'm trying to not get too obsessed with this yet. 

Our church hosted a wonderful shower for us on Sunday! We just felt so loved, honored, and blessed. It's been a lot of fun getting everything out and day dreaming about how we will use the different gifts when Kate arrives! Here are a few pictures from the day. The middle picture is with the thoughtful and generous hosts and the bottom picture is with Blake's mom and the lovely quilt she made for Kate. 

 Showers are such a wonderful outreach to others. We go to a larger church, around 1000 members. It's very easy to feel like you are "just another member" or  like you are isolated with the members of your bible class at a church of this size. Love and thoughtfulness are poured out lavishly when you are given a shower. People whom you've only met once, or possibly not at all go out of their way to bless you and share in your joy. It gave me this surge of energy- a happiness I can't exactly describe- not for the material things we received- but for the smiles on people's face as they gave me good wishes- for the presence of so many- for the the conversations that kept me too busy to chomp on my snacks and cake! I haven't done a very good job at being involved with showers at our church but I can tell you that after our shower on Sunday I'm inspired to to change that. I feel like I am a part of something grand- the body of Christ- and that's our whole purpose as a church- to shower God's love on others. I want to be a part of that when the opportunities come my way!

The coming days hold lots of activity for us! This weekend we will be honored with another shower by the ladies at Westbury COC (my home church). Next week we will attend an Infant CPR class and another for newborn care. I will also begin my weekly growth scan/ ultra sounds next week! I will try to get a good "bump shot" for my next post. Lots of good things going on! We are so blessed. That's all for now! Enjoy the rest of your week!

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