Sunday, January 29, 2012

Resolution Status

The first month of 2012 has come and is almost gone. Is it just me, or has it just flown by at lightning speed? In order to keep myself accountable to my goals for the year, I'm going to do monthly status posts. So here we go!

1. Read 4 books
I've started a book. It wouldn't usually count, but due to it's incredible length I'm going to let it count. I'm not reading every page of it, but I'm investing very much time in it. If you're wondering what book I'm talking about you'll have to wait... because it's a surprise! In a couple of weeks I'll be at liberty to share. 

2. Read Karyn Henley's Day by Day Bible
I'm happy to tell you that I've read every day! I keep it on my dresser and I read as I blow dry my hair. I'm absolutely loving it! Because I blow dry my hair every single day.... I read every single day. 

3. Run for 30 minutes without stopping
I've started the C25K program, and was successful the first couple of weeks of working to my goal. I'm embarrassed to tell you I got a little to lazy and then I got sick... I let that hold me back. I'm back on track now though and working to my goal. 

4. Write a note of encouragement every month
Check.... always feels good to encourage someone!

5. Cook 3 new dishes
I cooked new dishes! 
- Pioneer Woman's Black Eye Pea Dip
- Souther Living's Ratatouille
- Rachael Ray's short ribs  
- Family Meals' cherry turnovers 
-  Skinny Salisbury Steak
- Hellman's Parmesan Chicken
Pioneer Woman's Pot Roast

(OK... so I got this goal down!)

6. Say a prayer of just thanksgiving, every week. 
Sadly, I did not complete this goal. I will talk about this below. 

7. Pray for the requests in the church bulletin. 
This was another one that I didn't complete. I've decided to work in 5 minutes of prayer time into my daily "getting ready" routine. I usually get on my computer after my shower, before I do my hair and makeup. Instead, I will take 5 minutes to pray. I will divide the bulletin requests into 4 sections. Monday-Thursday I will pray for bulletin requests, and on Friday I'll say my prayer of thanks. 

Joy: I've focused this month on having more positive facebook status. Just doing that one little thing has really brought more joy to me. I go to facebook to relieve some frustration and find myself instead writing a verse or something that cheers me up. 

I think I'm off to a great start this year!  

1 comment:

  1. In regards to the secret book.... I promise it's NOT about a baby! Just wanted to clear that up!
